Saturday, September 1, 2007

First snapshots of a new life

Quickly, before the busy student awakes, a few snapshots of our new life. The truth is, though, that we have not taken too many pictures yet. Somehow, we keep forgetting our photo camera.

Today we took BART, the local subway system, to get into The City, that is San Francisco. My first time, after I have been here for more than two weeks. Finally, while climbing the stairs from the underground into the glistening sunlight, I got all excited. All of a sudden I felt the journey had begun, the big vacation, the great adventure. From what I have seen, and it isn't very much so far, San Francisco is a friendly city. Beautiful and full of life. We walked over to the Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39, strolled through Little Italy and China Town, and spent a good deal of time (I, that is) rummaging at City Lights Books, San Francisco's most traditional bookstore. Before leaving the store, one of the books in a case at the very end of the bottom floor caught my attention: Eats, Shoots & Leaves. And for the sake of good old times and because it really interests me, I bought this entertaining book about English punctuation. Now there is one person out there whom I will always remember and think of a lot while reading this book. You know who you are.

When we got back home in the late afternoon, the neighborhood party in our courtyard was in full swing. A great way to get to know the faces and meet new people.

Well, the student woke up. Here are the pictures. I have no idea when next I will be able to write because, unsurprisingly, our container's arrival was delayed once more. From September 1st to September 4th, and last, according to a phone call Shai received yesterday, to the end of next week. I was hoping somehow we would have our belongings by Rosh HaShana, counting on our big dining table and the six chairs for a decent celebration of the Jewish New Year. But alas!, it is still written in the stars.


Dave said...

It's still written on the board in our office.

Jeanne said...

It's written in my mind, too. ;-)

Unknown said...

If your stuff doesn't arrive, will it at least save you the hassle of preparing the Rosh Hashana dinner?

Nina said...

Hi Jeanne,
I really enjoy reading your blog.
Strangely enough do we have quite some things in common, especially our hometown. Warstein-Muelheim.
I moved to California in 1998 living there until mid 2000 and must say that I enjoyed the time quite a bit. I'm now living in Zuerich working for a larger Software company.
Anyway if you need tips and sightseeing hints off the beaten track in the San Francisco Bay Area let me know.


Jeanne said...

Hi Nina,

du kommst aus Muelhem? Muesste ich dich kennen? Ist ja interessant!

Nina said...

Hi Jeanne,

yep, bin im Steinbrink aufgewachsen.
Da ich aber so ca. 5 Jahre aelter bin, haben wir uns warscheinlich noch nicht mal auf der Grundschule im Doerfchen getroffen.
Bin dann in Warstein zum Gymnasium und dann auf nach Muenster zum Studium.
Ich finde dein Blog prima und irgendwie hab ich gedacht, ich sollte auch ein wenig mehr von meinem Leben hier in der Welt teilen. Ach ja, fuer Tips um San Francisco und San Jose bin ich gern offen. Hab da ja mal vor ca 7 Jahren gelebt und kenne noch einiges, auch fuer Kinder.
Juedisches Leben haette ich dort auch gern kennen gelert, da die Ex-Frau meines Cousins dort Juedin ist. Leider habe ich in diesem Fall erfahren muessen, dass meine Kenntnisse ueber die Juedische Religion als ehemalige Evangelische Reli Lehrerin (jetzt in IT, was auch manchmal wie ein Glauben ist) groesser war als der der gesamten Familie. Also ich bin gespannt weiter von dir zu hoeren.
Regine (Nina ist mein US Spitzname)

Skye Frontier said...

Am I the one who is supposed to know who I am?

:) Andre

Jeanne said...

Are you? You know best. ;-)