Friday, August 10, 2007

The flood

If you are still wondering why the heck I am constantly complaining about the weather, maybe now you will understand: The worst flood in 46 years has hit the area. Last night around 21:00, the water left its river beds and flooded onto the streets, into basements and underground garages. Loose tree trunks still lying in the woods after storm Kyrill ravaged back in January are now drifting away as flotsam. In the neighboring village of Sichtigvor, the fire department has been pumping basements since shortly after midnight. The extent of the damage is said to be worse than that of Kyrill.

Addendum: Luckily, my parents live on a hill. When the air is clear, they have a panoramic view of the woods and the adjacent floodplain. Therefore, flooding has always been a problem others have to deal with.

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