Wednesday, August 8, 2007


It is a phenomenon. Can anybody please explain to me why it takes five minutes to put a 2.5-year-old to sleep after lunch but close to an hour at night? I had been hoping for long, relaxing evenings in front of the television, watching one German movie after another, to make up for all the movies I will not be able to watch from now on (oh yes, I am going to miss that wonderful satelite dish on our Israeli roof; the one-hour time difference worked just perfect for me). Instead, I leave Yair's room weary and tired, night after night, about fifteen minutes before the credits show.

Am I on vacation? Yes. Does that mean I have more time for myself? No. Don't get me wrong: I am not complaining. I am enjoying every single minute with Yair. Oh, that closeness! That sweet smell! That compelling smile! Those arms around my neck! I would not want to miss these things for the world. But a movie... I would be happy to have that too. (And some time for reading all the books I have been trying to read for the last two years. That would be nice to have as well. But I am not mentioning that here.)

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